Please advise!

salt nate

I have another thread, but this is more straight forward....
I have a 10 gallon nano
20 watt pc (1/2 actinic)
aqua clear 50
live sand
what corals could I keep in this? will I need a fuge? a skimmer?


Nothing but softies. Zoas,Ricordia, GSP, Mushrooms. Those lights are pretty weak. If you could get another pc light under there you could keep duncans.

tang master

softies but scratch almost all types of ricordea except the green ones. No skimmer because you can only have a small fish load anyways, but a fuge will help keep nitrate and other harmful stuff at bay.


Active Member
mushrooms, gsp, suncoral, dendros, duncan, maybe even some zoos.
I would make it a softy tank and add a yashia goby pair or something similar. you could always make it a harlequin shrimp tank or something too!
Good Luck


Active Member
there are more kinds of mushroom than just ricordea. I would go with rhodactis or something. Duncans are (argued) to be non-photosynthetic. Some people think they prefer some light.. not just a dark tank, but yes, they are a low light coral, and they prefer lower flow so I dont see why you couldnt keep a frag and try it out. Just keep in mind that the smaller the tank, the smaller the margin of error so you have to pay close attention to your levels and water topoffs/changes. Theres no reason you cant keep some corals in there... maybe some people will post pics of thier 10g!
ps, where in fl are you (Im not familiar with the city). you could probably get some ppl to give you some small frags to try out! Im in s.florida and I know I have some small stuff I would part with.
Oh.. get a few featherdusters too! they fill in the 'holes'

salt nate

thats real nice of you! Im near melbourne beach/sebastian inlet. I absolutely love duncans and ricordea


Active Member
you should try to pick up a 70w sunpod or a satellite power compact unit to put on top and it would expand what you can put in there and then you can have like frogspawn and other LPS.