Please Answer


Every time I post about the blue-line trigger no one responds so I'm trying again. Can anyone give me detailed personal experience on this fish and how much they payed. If you can post pictures. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!:needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp:



Originally posted by GoOtZ
Every time I post about the blue-line trigger no one responds so I'm trying again. Can anyone give me detailed personal experience on this fish and how much they payed. If you can post pictures. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!:needhelp: :needhelp: :needhelp:

Do a search, I have answered 4 or 5 of these post. They grow fast & get big, up to 2 feet, eat all the time, always digging & moving rocks, looking for more food. Mean & agro, when it comes to feeding. Sorry no pic, but there were some posted on some of the other threads.