Please explain power compacts vs MH


I'm so confused by all the lighting stuff. Right now I have just flouresents (I can't even spell right). I have two 36" fixtures with an actinic and 50/50 in each. It works fine for what I have now (see my profile), but I am getting the itch to try easy corals, feather dusters, etc. so........can someone please explain, in layman's terms, what type of lighting I would need. My tank is 6' long, 24" tall, 18" wide.
It sounds like the MH are for the more exotic and difficult to keep corals, clams and anemones. Are power compacts the route I would go? And what type of bulbs and wattage per bulb would I need.
Thanks to everyone on this board. I have learned sooooo much from everyone here.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
Power Compact (PC) and VHO lighting basically do the same thing. Metal Halide produce a much more intense light that penetrates deeper. For that size tank you should probably go with Metal Halides.
The general rule is no less than 3 watts per gallon to grow corals. Some people get by with less to produce mushooms and other beginner corals.
I think the rule for MH's is 1 light for every 2ft of tank length. So you'd need 3 lights. You can go with MH/PC combo, or MH/VHO combo but any light you buy for that size tank is going to be very expensive.
Those are the basics on lights, someone with more experience can get into it deeper.


for that size of a tank I would go with MH/VHO combo
Making decision on the lighting system is not an easy task. Especially on the 125G and up, it can be costly.
What kind of coral do you want to keep?


I'm looking at easier, soft corals, feather dusters, maybe one hardy anemone. No clams, or really exotic, tough stuff.


If that is the case
you can just get VHO only, softies will do fine(thrive) under VHO lighting with 24" depth.
You can get additional MH in the future if you moving toward LPS/SPS.


If you stay in this hobby long enough you will buy MH's, you might as well do it now rather then waste your $$ on PC's or VHO's.
Do you use VHO or PC as actinic supplyment?
How do you simulate dawn/dusk affect with only MH? dimmer on timer? :)