Please GOD, I hope this is fake! The military doesnt need this right now!



I can't stand to see anyone hurt an animal. This makes me sick!



Active Member
Sadly, even if the video is faked, the marine will have to be punished and probably court marshalled to prevent the PR hit. You just can't even jokelike that and be a service man/woman in uniform.
Did that soldier not think at all before they did that??


I have searved overseas before. I have seen how guys change when they are away from home and lose all sense of morality.


Well, the video has been removed, so I haven't seen it. I'm not a fan of wanton harming of animals, although I don't get as wrapped up in protection as some people I do like animals, and feel we have a responsibility to treat them decently.
I will say, however, I can logically understand how
these Marines were able to do something like this.
1. Human life is on a higher plane than animal life for the vast majority of people.
2. They are immersed in a situation where human life is virtually worthless within the mortality timeline, which in many ways includes their own.
3. Therefore, it is logical that, in their situation, animal life holds far less value than in any normal situation. Heck, for all we know they just scraped their buddy's shredded body from a smoking HMMWV a few hours before this video was shot. "Life" takes on a new definition at that point.
Just food for thought. I'm not justifying it, but putting something out there to think about before someone goes off saying what horrible guys these Marines are.


Well-Known Member
wow. That's insane, poor little guy. I still support the war in Iraq, however that kind of barbarity is unnecessary and ridiculous.


Active Member
If it's real:
Why film it? Really stupid

Sick people do these kind of things all over the world. Unfortunately the left will use this as a political tool.


Active Member
I read it but I have no desire to watch it... The abuse of defenseless animals is disgusting.. or any other animal for that matter.


Active Member
Someone did bring up a good point in the comments on youtube (how ironical is that?), none of two pictured really look like "Marines." They don't have the proper markings (at the minimum their name/rank should be there) and supposedly their "gear" is wrong. I'll agree with that because from what I've seen, all the Marines are identically clad, and these two look like someone did some shopping at an Army surplus store.
Also, I don't like the video bleep when the puppy hidden behind the guy and the puppy bounces too high. I've never seen something fall that far and bounce that high.
Sorry if that sounded remoseless, if true, that is beyond despicable. I just have may doubts....



Originally Posted by bdhutier
Well, the video has been removed, so I haven't seen it. I'm not a fan of wanton harming of animals, although I don't get as wrapped up in protection as some people I do like animals, and feel we have a responsibility to treat them decently.
I will say, however, I can logically understand how
these Marines were able to do something like this.
1. Human life is on a higher plane than animal life for the vast majority of people.
2. They are immersed in a situation where human life is virtually worthless within the mortality timeline, which in many ways includes their own.
3. Therefore, it is logical that, in their situation, animal life holds far less value than in any normal situation. Heck, for all we know they just scraped their buddy's shredded body from a smoking HMMWV a few hours before this video was shot. "Life" takes on a new definition at that point.
Just food for thought. I'm not justifying it, but putting something out there to think about before someone goes off saying what horrible guys these Marines are.
Erroneous. Its one thing to go on a rampage killing things, people animals, etc due to your warrior frame of mind. Going through to motions of getting a video camera and making a production of it alludes to sadism. Having been in these situations myself, I can't remember hearing any of buddies plotting to harass a puppy..........I did encounter plans to harass (used unappropriately) Vietnamese villagers.
Although, I agree I have some serious doubts as to the validity of the tape.


Even if it is real they most likley will recieve little punishment. In the eyes of our legal system "it's just an animal" and animal cruelty is taken much too lightly if you ask my opinion. I guess some people are just born with no conscience.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
Even if it is real they most likley will recieve little punishment. In the eyes of our legal system "it's just an animal" and animal cruelty is taken much too lightly if you ask my opinion. I guess some people are just born with no conscience.
Tell that to Michael VICK.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bdhutier
3. Therefore, it is logical that, in their situation, animal life holds far less value than in any normal situation. Heck, for all we know they just scraped their buddy's shredded body from a smoking HMMWV a few hours before this video was shot. "Life" takes on a new definition at that point.
The supposed marines on the video are apparently based in Hawaii, according to the article... So I don't think, unfortunately, we can blame combat stress for their behavior.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
Even if it is real they most likley will recieve little punishment. In the eyes of our legal system "it's just an animal" and animal cruelty is taken much too lightly if you ask my opinion. I guess some people are just born with no conscience.
Military justice tends to be a bit less forgiving...

darthtang aw

Active Member
I have heard this video might be a fake....the sound dubbed, the puppy was already dead. Regardless, they should atleast be charged with conduct unbecoming.


Active Member
Fake or real if those were marines they better pray none of the others see that and recognize them. Can you imagine the butt whippin they would take.
I seriously doubt it was military people. Probably some cowardly anti military activists trying to make the guys look bad. I mean it was dumb enough just taking pictures at abu garab but those people weren't stupid enough to post it on the web.


Staff member
If it is real, it certainly was a concerted effort to ensure that the whole world saw it. Perhaps someone due up for service in the Middle East who wants a fast ticket out of the military?
Yes, there are some very sick people in the military just as there are in the general population. Obviously, most are fine people, but not all. I used to work in child abuse and I can tell you that some of the worst abuse cases I experienced came from military families. Mind you, I was born into a strong military family where my father was a lifer who served in 2 wars, so I am not anti-military.