please help a confused newbie about anemones



so I'm new at this hobbie but i have wanted a marine aquarium for a LONG time and finally went for it. i bought a book so i would know where to start and i have recently bought a BTA and a sabe anemone....trying to get a clownfish to host. how long does that take? also i have been taking advice from the guy i buy all my stuff from and my tank isnt a year old and i already have 2 anemones. i keep reading in the forums this is bad, but my supplier never told me this....everything seems to be thriving so far....after reading the forums i'm worried. any reassurance??? and also i read a little on carbon? whats that all about? and what would be the best food for anemones? i have been feeding them brine shrimp(frozen) because that is what was suggested by my supplier but that doesnt seem to be the case. oh and as far as lighting i was told that it didnt really matter and a 13watt compact florescent was ok for a 12gal to keep anemones. it that true?? help a newbie out please.


Wow! 2 anemones in a 12 gal with a 13w compact?
Anyway, you can buy frozen silverside and feed them that. My BTA loves it. Or you can buy fresh shrimp from your local maket and cut small pieces and feed it to the anemones. But I think feeding is not the big problem here. I'm sure a lot of people will offer you some harsher advice.
One other thing... you have to remember that your LFS is interested in making money. They'll sell you a 10 foot shark and say it's ok to keep it in a 3 foot tank as long as it's $$$ in their pockets. I don't listen to anything my LFS tells me.


Active Member
What book did you read? Did you read the entire book? Was the book about saltwater or keeping fish in general? I'm really blown away that you've read a book and still don't know some of these answers.
Are you testing your water? What do you test for? AM,NI,NA,CAL,PH,ALK,SG?
As for two anemones within one tank - that is the first no no. Unless in a 55 gal+ tank anemones shouldn't be placed in the same tank. They could possibly kill eachother by secreating chemicals harmful to other anemones.
A 12 gallon tank is WAY too small to keep an anemone. unless that is the only thing you will keep in the tank, i suggest upgrading to a new tank (much less keeping 2 anemones).
About having your tank setup for a year - this isn't necessarily true, it is a just a general rule. Because after 12 months your tank is usually pretty stable and the hobbiest comes accustome to water changes, testing water, etc. Anemone's need a very stable environment to survive - this usually comes as the tank ages.
What to feed an anemone - you shouldn't be feeding it mixed up food, anemones should be eating chunks of raw fish/shrimp. Most people feed their anemones silversides or chunks of raw shrimp. Any piece you feed the anemone should be no bigger than its mouth. To feed it, just place the food on/near the tenticles and let it grab onto the food itself. If after a week of feeding the anemone still isn't grabbing onto the food and eating it, try another type of food. After a few weeks of doing this and the anemone isn't liking anything, IMO that points to an unhealthy creater.
13 watts of Compact Flor. is not nearly enough for an anemone. The GENERAL rule of thumb is 5 watts per gallon of T5 or MH lighting. When is comes to PC (power compact) IMO there isn't enough lighting you could possibly put on a 15 gallon aquarium to keep the anemone alive.
Your supplyer sucks. There i said it. He absolutely sucks. Anyone who is willing to sell you two anemones, and sell you and the bs notion that they eat brine shrimp and can live on PC lighting is either trying make an easy sell, or they are totally clueless about saltwater. In either case DISCONTINUE taking advise from this person and find a new 'supplier'.
If you take a few days and read all of the archives and articles on this board you will learn 99.9% of what is needed to start out in this hobby. The rest of your questions just ask and plenty of people will help. IMO you need to throw away what book you've purchased and pickup another one. There are some good books on this site, and i'm sure someone else can point you in the direction of some good reads.
Good luck!


Active Member
In addition to what everyone else has mentioned, return the anemones and do lots and lots of RESEARCH. Anemones are not something that want to start out with. A lot of people buy them thinking that their clowns will host them, but there is a very good chance that the clowns won't even go near the thing.
We don't mean to sound harsh, but we want to help you before you regret your decision.


i test my water everyday and everything is at zero....i test amonia, nitrates, ph, s.gravity, and i keep track of the water temp. if anemones are releasing toxins in the water is there a way to test that? does it raise your amonia....or something else??.....and i will NOT be taking any more advice from my supplier. thnx for all the help


so in my situation....should i just return the anemones??...cuz i'm not worried about losing 50 bucks i just dont want to kill them...i hope that they will take them back cuz i'm not sure if they will of not, and upgrading to a bigger tank(although it would be AWESOME) is not an option for me.


The advice of taking something back is given a lot on this forum, but a lot of stores will not take live stock back. For example, my LFS has a policy that I can return something within 24 hours. After that they will not take it back. And even within 24 hours, I can only take something back that died. If it's still alive and healthy, I can't take it back.


Originally Posted by RCreations
The advice of taking something back is given a lot on this forum, but a lot of stores will not take live stock back. For example, my LFS has a policy that I can return something within 24 hours. After that they will not take it back. And even within 24 hours, I can only take something back that died. If it's still alive and healthy, I can't take it back.
one of my LFS will give me store credit, NOT my money back, but thats fine with me sence i always go to the store anyhow


Active Member
Try to give back the anemones if you can. If you can't, see if another store will take them, or perhaps a friend. Normally you could just have one anemone, but since you're new to SW aquariums, your chances of success GREATLY diminish when you add things like corals and anemones right away. The general rule is go VERY slow. Purchase rock, sand, water, and salt. Mix them together and then slowly start adding things, one fish one month, another the next. Just take it slow. You could keep one of the anemones if you want, but like I said before it is just one more thing going against a successful tank when first starting out.
You can't test for the toxins released, you can run carbon on your filtration system to negate anything that the anemones would release, and if they end up dying it would lessen the chances of a tank crash.
You say everything 0, could you give us the actual measurements of EVERYTHING you test, then if we see something you should be testing we can tell you to start testing it.
Did you cycle your tank? If you just placed everything in the tank right away and didn't cycle, everything may be zero, but a tank crash is in the near future. Generally you want to add something like a raw shrimp to get the bacteria started that break down ammonia (very toxic) into nitrite (less toxic), then into nitrate (even less toxic) - at that point water changes must be done to take out those nitrates.
Keep us posted and continue asking questions.


I did cycle the tank with live rock and sand for a week with nothing but the rock and sand and 3 weeks with a damsel(which is still in my tank). I did find a home for one anemone if the store wont take it back. but the other one i will have to keep if the store won't take them back. so how would i run carbon if i end up having to keep one of the anemones? my ammonia test=0 my nitrates=0-5(closer to zero though according to the little color card) and my ph=8.3 my water temp=79 and my S.G=between1.022&1.023. and i do water 10% water changes once a week which for a 12 gal tank = a little over one gallon. when i do my water changes i make sure the S.G is the same and to make sure the temp is the same i pour the new water in a ziplock bag and float it for about and hour, then i slowly siphon the new water in the tank over about 45 mins.
thank you for all the help i really appreciate it
I'm trying so hard to do everything the right way but its hard when people tell you different things...I'm only listening to you guys from now on!...


Active Member
Haha, oh lord don't only listen to us. We don't know everything, and sometimes we are wrong. With everything in life you just need to take our advise in stride. Read some books, read this forum and others, get educated on the topics. Don't just do something because we/someone told you something, do it because it makes sense. Don't run carbon on a system because someone told you to (this is how you got in this place in the first place) but do so because you understand why you need to. Understand that toxics are attracted to carbon and attach to it. Know what i mean?
I don't know what type of setup you have, if you have a HOB filter just place a filter floss media that has carbon in it. If you are running a sump / fuge, or canister you will have to go buy some active carbon, then put it in a sock (or something that allows water flow but doesn't leak out the carbon) and place it where there is a lot of flow. You should have it in an area that is post filter (meaning the water has most of the solids already removed) so you don't have to worry about dead food and particles getting in the carbon and decaying. Carbon should be changed out every few weeks.
IMO i would raise you SG to around 1.026. Good luck man, keep us posted!


better than listening to my LFS right??
.... anyhow, i have an eclipse tank so the filtration system is all built in so should i buy the active carbon and put it in a sock?
and i understand what the carbon does(after a little reading...) I'm just not sure how to set it up....


oh, and i will raise my S.G a little more... thanx for all the advice, you have been the most helpful.


Active Member
It may be a bit more difficult to setup in an eclipse system, since everything is compact. I had an eclipse once (hated it for this very reason, you can't do anything custom to them), see if you can fit a small sock full of carbon near the area where the water returns to the tank. My old one kinda had a waterfall area that the water trickled from the filter pad, down to the tank - this would be your best bet.
Honestly i think the eclipse pads have carbon in them - they have the blue filter floss then carbon inside that. IF that is the case yo udon't need any carbon - just make sure and change that pad out every week or two.


yea that is what my filter is has the little waterfall thing you described...and i do use those blue filters with carbon in them already, just wasnt sure if i needed more. i will just make sure to change them more often.
when i first got the tank i was really excited but now it's really annoying because i want to upgrade the lighting but i'm gonna have to tear apart the hood to do so, and probably attach a the little door on top so you can feed or clean the tank sux! its too small! you have to lift the whole thing off to get in the tank! errr!
oh well, i shall make due....


Active Member
Ya my suggestion is if you want to upgrade your lighting to something like a custom fixture (like a MH, or T5, or PC), just take the entire hood off - pretty sure the entire thing comes off. Then buy a HOB filter to get your filtration done, then you can get whatever lighting you want.


yeah the whole thing comes off. well thank you for all the help and advice! you are a savior!