please help, about to put comet grouper down


Could someome please offer me some last minute advice. My beloved comet grouper who I have had for the past three years I thingk is suffering from a terminal form of fungus disease. I put up a post under the thread name of "Betta with white lumps" with some photos of when he was very sick and no one replied. Basically he ha suffered for a fungus infection for the last three months now and I just cannot seem to cure it. I have treated him with Myxacin and triple ssulphur tablets but as soon as the mediaction is stopped the disease reappears. He is at the stage now where i can see the begginnings of ul;cers the entire surface of his body. He is also shaking like he has spasms. He still eats and breathing is ok.
He has been in this tank for about 18mths and there have been no new fish for about six months now. Ammonia, nitrate and nitrites are all 0. PH8.3.
I do not want to have to treat him for the rest of his life with anti fungul medication but I dont want him to suffer needlessly, so I have come to the conclusion that if no-one can give me any helpful advice then I will freeze him.
Byt he way the other fish have been in the same tank with him for months now and they have shjown nop symptoms whatsoever. I was wondering maybe if that he is just getting old and its his time to go.


Here is the link to the other thread that I had.
Unfortunately I have already put him down, he was just gettign so weak and was refusing to eat, I thought it best for his sake. I would still be interested in knowing what actually killed him. When I caught him and had a close look he had ulcers forming all over his body. In the above mentioned thread in the second phoyo you will see an ulcer type thing above his fin, it was these that were forming all over his body.
Thanks for any help appreciated, I would like to get anther but worried that the same thing will happen.