PLEASE Help.. Anemone Question


New Member
Okay I am new to the whole anemone, live rock stuff.. My parents gave me a 29 gallon Bio Cube for Christmas set it up tested all the levels thy are fine along with the salt and water temp. So Friday we decided to buy a rose anemone, Saturday woke up it was all sunken in, I got on here and read that is normal. So it stayed like that till last night {Sunday} When we came home tonight there is a white film at the bottom of the anemone kinda like dead skin, is this normal? should I be worried? WHAT SHOULD I DO!!! PLEASE HELP! :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Char1115
Okay I am new to the whole anemone, live rock stuff.. My parents gave me a 29 gallon Bio Cube for Christmas set it up tested all the levels thy are fine along with the salt and water temp. So Friday we decided to buy a rose anemone, Saturday woke up it was all sunken in, I got on here and read that is normal. So it stayed like that till last night {Sunday} When we came home tonight there is a white film at the bottom of the anemone kinda like dead skin, is this normal? should I be worried? WHAT SHOULD I DO!!! PLEASE HELP! :help:
The tank is not even cycled yet. There should be NO live stock in there especially an anemone. I would see if a fellow reefer close can keep it for you or if a LFS can buy it or hold it. It will not survive.


I agree way too soon to put anything in a tank. You need to wait about 4 weeks before putting any livestock in a tank. Then wait another few months before putting an anemone in it. Good luck. It is dead if it starts to deteriorate. Post a picture, but the white film does not sound good.


Active Member
I would suggest trading him for a good book on marine aquariums. The conscientious marine aquarist is a great book to do your homework.


New Member
Without posting water params Im afraid there is nothing to be offered to help. Sounds like he's at death door, depressing, esspecially since it's a Rose, a very beautiful anemone. The instinctive reaction for most new reefers is to throw money at things until you kill it. Im affraid in this case thats exactly what needs to be done

If the LFS will take him back, try and do so.
Being a new tank your phosphates & Nitrates are probably at lethal levels so you may need tp to do a %25 water change and retest.
Spend about 80-100 (The price of an Rose BTA no?) and get yourself at least 10lbs LS, 40lbs of Cured LR. After a couple weeks (having fun yet?), your see algae to begin forming on the rocks. Do a %50 water change, then get some hermits & snails and let them work on that for another week (Woo hoo! Exciting?).
After abut 3-4weeks its time to add your first fish, if you have lots of hair algae you might be able to get away with a tiny Algae Blennie but Im sure others on this forum wont agree so maybe get your sels a nice sea slug