please help anybody


New Member
here is my problem,first of i have a 30 gal saltwater tank with a millenium 300 power filter,seaclone protein skimmer,one powerhead,crushed corral,with live sand.
yesterday i bought two blue damselfish after having the guy chech my water.i introduced them last night like i was told first they they turned dark blue and the next day they were normal.three hours ago i went in my room to check on them and feed them,and one was hiding and the other was the dark blue the one is turning alittle white and the other one is still hiding . sorry for such a long post. please help


Staff member
Actually, your post was not quite long enough. What are your water paramiters? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate, PH? How old is your tank? What other fish do you have? What is your setup?


I know you said you introduced them like you were told but how did you acclimate? Also, like Beth said, we need more info in order to help.


New Member
ok heres more info
the phosphate is in a pretty good range, well least thats what the pet store manager said .he was the one that tested the water and he said everything looked good.the tank is fairly new i would say two months old. but the water has been circulating for atleast three weeks. the damselfish are the only fish in the tank,reason being cause the tank is going thought the maturing process.the temp is in between 79-82f
i have one powerhead
a millennium 300 power filter
seaclone protein skimmer(waste of money)
10 pounds of reef sand
and 7 pounds of crushed corral
and yes i have a heater but i really don't need it right now
i hope this is enough info
thanks for such a fast response and any help you are able to give, it been very stressfull trying to find out whats wrong


Staff member
.25 ammonia is your problem. It needs to be at zero for healthy, happy fish. Water changes necessary and a determination on your part about why your ammonia is up. Did you completely cycle this tank?


New Member
beth it is a new tank and it has not been cycled yet thats why i only have the blue damselfish.btw do you any other fish that are good when cycling a new tank. thanks for the help


Staff member
If you're going to cycle with fish, then don't be suprised if they get sick or die. You can also cycle with fresh shrimp that you get from the grocery store, and spare live animals the agony of cycling your tank, or you can cycle with ammonia.