Please Help ASAP, order is here


Please help,
I left for 3 days over the Christmas holiday's & when I returned there was a white fungus growing on the LR in two different places. My wife bought me several livestock additions & I want to make sure this won't be fatal to them or the system. I have attached a few pics, It is the white fungus looking stuff on the LR. The guy at the LFS said it is calcium deposits or sponges& that they are completely harmless. Needless to say I value the oppinion of this board much more. I have a clam, an anomone & a plate coral to put in the tank. Thanks for the help.


Staff member
It looks to me to be white sponge and nothing to worry about. Can you just touch it and see if it is spongy or hard. It could also be just coraline die-off. That's not really major problem either, especially in a new tank.
What is your calcium and alk levels?
Also, over there to the left looks like an aipistia, which is a pest anemone needing to be destroyed.