Please help, brown alge outbreak...


H2O, LR/LS are almost 7 weeks old but the tank is a 1 week old upgrade (leaky 38g to new 45g). I've got an outbreak of brown alge on the glass & sand. If this is a diatom bloom I don't understand why I'm geeting it now? I already had one in the last tank.
I added 5 Turbo's and 5 Scarlet Hermits when I got this new tank. The snails are staying on the rocks and glass, the scarlets are staying hiden in the LR somewhere, I can only see 1 of them.
What should I do about the alge? Add more Snails (what kind) and Hermits (what kind) or what? Please help.


Also water source? you added more water for the larger tank. Pretty sure the 3 fuels for it are feeding,lighting, and water source/quality.


it's still possible to have another diatom cycle in the upgrade tank; maybe try lawnmower blenny; but it will only consume so much;may have to just wait it out


I went out got and asked my LFS how to get rid of it and they had me buy red slime remover. I that at first that this would not work because i had brown slime i did a water change and add the red slime remover and i have nerver had a problem again


I just added an "Alge Blenny" and 5 more Scarlet Hermits. We'll see how they do. My LFS told me to get the alge on the glass myself.
I thought the Lawnmower Blenny was for hair alge?


nope, will pick at just about any algae on LR or glass...little puckered lip marks all overback glass & side; course, like I said earlier, it will only consume to it's some point reaches a bloated belly limit & doesn't tend to consume as much...