PLEASE HELP Coral banded shrimp in trouble


New Member
About three weeks ago I got a coral banded shrimp to add to my tank. he was doing fine and lost a banded leg. I did some research and learned it would grow back.
About a week later I noticed a black mark on the OPPOSITE side as the missing leg on the main trunk of his body. Looked like he was burned or something. It was about the size of a pencil eraser.
Now the black has spread. Its covering most of that one side. Poor shrimp is hardly moving now. hes all tangled up in his legs sitting in the corner. I thought he was dead and moved him around, where he sat on his face until he floated back down to his legs. Looks like he is going to die. I have an anenome, clown fish, 3 other fish, who seem to be doing fine. Is there a certain typ of disease that afects just the shrimp? Or did he somehow hurt himself more, and is just slowly dying?
I dont want him to die, but it looks like the inevitable.
Any info or help woul dbe greatly appreciated.