Please help decide on lighting


Brand new to the it so far but I have to do something with my current hood. I have a 50g. pentagon tank with standard hood and 1 strip flor. My tank is in its 3rd week of cycling. tank includes bak pak skimmer, marineland HOT wet/dry, approx. 90lbs LR, and 35lbs LS. The hood is a pain as I have to take off strip then take of hood to do any work to tank. I was thinking about doing away with hood altogehter and getting ceiling mount/hanging lights as to have easy access to work on tank and then I saw hoods that can be hinged at the back that can raise with lights mounted underneath. Can someone help with this. I was looking at a ceiling mount 250W MH Aquaspacelight...very nice but $425.00. Is this what I am going to have to spend? My tank dimensions are approx 32"at widest point and 24" deep. I plan to have various corals. What would be best? Thanks


if you can diy a nice hood you can probally get a nice mh for@$140 but that doesn't include the cost of the canopy.But if you want a pendant which is nicer for your set up IMo You can find Icecap 250w for about $290 or pfo for alittle more