I have a passer angel that has had popeye in one eye for about a week and a half. I tried garlic and I wasn't sure if it was working because the eye got worse. I went down to the LFS and they said I can use Maracyn 2 as long as I didn't have reef. In my tank I have a Passer Angel and a Sohol tang. I also have lots of inverts like starfish, shrimp, crabs, snails and a lobster. This is where I went wrong because I forgot to tell the guy that I had the inverts and he never asked. So I went home and put 9 tablets in my 90 gallon. After I was done I came on here and looked up Maracyn and read all about it ( I wish I looked it up first before I went to the store.) I also have about 80 lbs of live rock. What should I do with the tank if I already added the 9 tablets? I am definitely not adding anymore and I am going to run my protein skimmer. Does anybody know how many things I am going to kill by me adding this stuff to the tank. Im so pissed because I could have just put the passer in a 20 gallon plastic tub but I was rushing. Is there anything I should do or shouldn't do from here on out that might help me save the inverts and some of the rock? Any responses would help. Thank you