Please help ... I messed up wit Maracyn



I have a passer angel that has had popeye in one eye for about a week and a half. I tried garlic and I wasn't sure if it was working because the eye got worse. I went down to the LFS and they said I can use Maracyn 2 as long as I didn't have reef. In my tank I have a Passer Angel and a Sohol tang. I also have lots of inverts like starfish, shrimp, crabs, snails and a lobster. This is where I went wrong because I forgot to tell the guy that I had the inverts and he never asked. So I went home and put 9 tablets in my 90 gallon. After I was done I came on here and looked up Maracyn and read all about it ( I wish I looked it up first before I went to the store.) I also have about 80 lbs of live rock. What should I do with the tank if I already added the 9 tablets? I am definitely not adding anymore and I am going to run my protein skimmer. Does anybody know how many things I am going to kill by me adding this stuff to the tank. Im so pissed because I could have just put the passer in a 20 gallon plastic tub but I was rushing. Is there anything I should do or shouldn't do from here on out that might help me save the inverts and some of the rock? Any responses would help. Thank you :mad:


Staff member
Hopefully you have some water ready to go for massive water changes? Begin this as soon as you can. If you can remove all the inverts to another "safe zone" do so. This can be a rubbermaid with a powerhead, heater, whatever else you need to sustain life.
Use the skimmer and change the cub daily, if if it is not full.
If you can set up carbon filtration, do that immediately, and change out the carbon every 3 days.
Getting the water changed out is the most immediate need.
If you can move your LR to rubbermaids with powerheads as well, that would be very good.
Don't add raw salt water to a tank with live animals. This would be just as bad as the antibiotics.
Sorry to hear your trouble. You could take a heavy loss with shrimps, snails, etc.


Now my problem is I don't have the water ready and I am startig it now. But if I move the inverts into new water won't they also die because of the change in enviroments. Do you think that the amount of Maracyn 2 I put in will hurt everything. Is there any chance of me leaving it alone would some things survive? How long do you think I have because it is going to take some time befroe this water gets to the right temp and for the water to age a little. I guess I just have to take the hit. How long does the live rock take to come back and will it all come back? Thanks Mike
Im just going to try to get as much as I can out. Thanks for your help Beth.


Staff member
scar, you are right, if you don't have the water, than trying to put the animals into "raw" water is just as risky.
What about the carbon? Carbon would really pull alot out immediately.


Staff member
I don't think your tank will be wiped out, but it will take a hit.


Is that the same carbon that is in fresh water. I have a fresh water tank going in another room and I have extra carbons. If it is im just not sure how to install the carbon into my sump.


Staff member
Activated Carbon usually goes into a filter of some sort and the water is pumped over it or thru it. However, you could put carbon into a mesh bag and just put it at the outlet of your sump pump.


Hi Beth I just wanted to update on the tank so far. I used the carbon and kept my skimmer on. The skimmer was pulling a whole lot. I did a 20% water change and I am in the process of getting the water ready for another 20% tommorrow. The water cleared up from being green as of now. I got all of my live rock out and into another tank. I basically did this to save the rock and so I can see what dies in case it dies and hides and then I can't find it. I left some rock in there that didn't have much growth. It will re grow later. The inverts I also left in there because I didn't have a tank set up to put them in but so far no casualties. My question is How long do you think it will take for the inverts to die if they are badly affected and are going to die. If you know an estimate like days weeks and so on.
I guess there is not much else I can do except keep doing water changes and hope for the best. I am going to take care of my angels eye once everything else is almost back in order. His eye actually looks a little better but that might just be my imagination. Thanks for you help. Mike


Staff member
How did you mix up the salt so fast? Keep in mind that raw salt can be just as bad as a medication.
If you are going to immediate casualities it will happen within a week. Long term, there is no telling if individual specimens will be effected resulting in shorter life span. The fact that you you don't have causalities yet is very good news.