Please help id my clown


I dont know what kind of clown this is. Its been really hard and many people have tried. so i turn to you oh forums to help me answer this so i can find her a mate.


sorry for the bad picture its the best i could find. My camera kinda sucks but you can see she is dark on top with a very orange face and stomach and lower half.


Active Member
Probably an Ocellaris. Ocellaris clowns darken just like that with age, as where percs dont. As percs grow, the black lines along the white thicken big time. The darker one, that looks a lot like yours is actually an ocellaris clown. Not a percula, as it would appear to be, and I assume you have a similar situation. If you ask me, you've got an ocellaris. Believe it or not, in that pic of mine, the bright orange one, which you'd think is an ocellaris, is actually a percula, and the dark one, that looks like a percula, is actually an ocellaris.



Active Member
I don't see the black bands, Emperor, on the bright one, though he apparently was refusing to pose
. I agree on your call as an ocellaris for Greenchrom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
I don't see the black bands, Emperor, on the bright one, though he apparently was refusing to pose
. I agree on your call as an ocellaris for Greenchrom.
He wasn't real old. He hadn't developed the thick dark lines yet. I got him when he was really small, and in that pic, he was only about a year old. My fish never pose for me.
I'm not the best photographer out there..


well it COULD still be a perc ive got a male that actually looks pretty similiar to that pic that is a perc clown. How old is ur clown greenchrom?


Her eyes are black or VERY VERY VERY DARK. I.e black. I do not know how old she is as i did not buy her as a juvenille.


Originally Posted by Greenchrom
Her eyes are black or VERY VERY VERY DARK. I.e black. I do not know how old she is as i did not buy her as a juvenille.
true percs have orange colored eyes while ocellaris have tea colored eyes. i'm referring to the color around the black center.


GREAT! you guys have been very very helpfull! im gonna go out and get myself a false perc today now and play the mating game *WINK* Any suggestions on size? obviously either a juvenile or a fish smaller than it right? Should i try to find one simmilar in coloration so as to match her age? I already am planning on using a clear tub with holes drilled in the sides to help them.. ...accept eachother.

bang guy

There's a pretty good chance that she's already female. If you add another female then she'll just kill it. Look for a tiny Ocellaris, as small as you can find.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
There's a pretty good chance that she's already female. If you add another female then she'll just kill it. Look for a tiny Ocellaris, as small as you can find.
Does this also apply to Maroon clowns? I would like to get my Maroon a mate.


Active Member
Yes that also applies to maroons. It might actually be harder to find a mate for her though, since maroons are much more aggressive than ocellaris clowns.


Active Member
my maroon is about |

| this big, I bought a mated pair of Sebae Clowns with a Carpet Anemone. Beleive it or not they all totally get along Ill get some pics up when my new Camera arrives
I beleive that is A. Ocellaris also. Nice looking clown, looks like his color is really bold and all of his lines are even