Please Help!Is this a polyp,aptisa,or a good anonome?


New Member
I bought a live rock with these things on them when they were small,the store said it was polyps,but they look like an anonome,possibly?Anyway,my clown fish love them but they are multiplying alot,can somebody tell me what they are for sure?
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
They look like mojano to me.Like aptasia they can spread ..but not as quickly.I have had some in my tank for 2 years...they don't appear to get as large as aptasia does.


Active Member
Kalk them!Using the plastic syringe from a test kit,make a strong solution of kalkwasser or use straight calcium{have'nt tried the latter,but it's supposed to work too} Do only a few each day,using the syringe,you carefully put the mixture{thick} on each one.This will burn them.There is also a product for killing aptasias,but I have'nt had much luck with it.
The method that has been most successfull for me is natural eradication...with them and aptasia.I placed three peppermint shrimp in my refugium who have taken out all the aptasias I can see.I also added a Copperband butterfly to my display,and 2 berghia nudibranchs...between all of them,my mojanos and aptasias are starting to disappear:)


I wonder if Joes "Juice" would work. I heard a lot of success stories using that product to kill aptasia but I think you can use it on mojano too.


before you nuke them.. can you tell me if the very tip of them is red.... look close.... just the tip :)
if not then nuke away :D