Please Help Lighting. 390 watts T5HO or 500 watts MH?


125 gallon tank, 6' oceanic, with 20" glass center brace.
This is the setup.
Buy the rest of my lighting of T5 for $371 shipped. 10x39 T5 bulbs, Blue+, aquablue, etc..
Or for $299.99 shipped i can buy 2 250watt MH with 15k bulbs and have 4x39 watt T5 to compliment (already own the T5 backup).


Active Member
Or for $299.99 shipped i can buy 2 250watt MH with 15k bulbs and have 4x39 watt T5 to compliment (already own the T5 backup
I like this, But I would go 2x250w MH 10k and 4x39 watt T5 420-460nm the T5 bulbs are better at the blue range and the MH are nice at 6400-10000


Active Member
2 metal halides aren't going to light a six foot tank very well. MH's are only good for about 2ft of tank length. I prefer the MH's over the T5's but that is only a personal preference an individually reflected T5 setup can light a tank as well MH's can.
There is no way that I would run a 6400k or 10k bulb on a DT tank though they are way to yellow for my liking I prefer the look of 14k bulbs and recently I just upgraded to 20k radium bulbs and I really like the look of the radiums they aren't extremely blue just slightly bluer than my hamiliton 14k bulbs.