Please help! Lighting Question!


I purchased my aquarium, and it came with a 24 inch 20W florecent bulb.
I'm considering upgrading to a VHO WHITE ACTINIC 24" 75 WATT bulb.
Three questions...
Will this work with my current setup? That is, can you interchange between VHO and florecent if they're the same size?
Does white actinic look white, or does it distort the color the aquarium?
Is this a good purchase? That is, would you recommend it for a 35 gallon aquarium?
Please help. I'm ignorant with regards to hardware lighting.


code, are you wanting to keep corals at all? 75 watts over a 35 gallon, isnt really enought watts per gallon. If your not wanting corals just fish, then the first light will do fine, save the money. If you do want corals I would suggest, that you get a atleast a 96 watt light or higher. Either VHO or Power compacts.
I have a 96 watt PC light that I am willing to part w/ if interested..

blue oasis

Well we bought our lighting system on Friday for our 90gal. We decided to go with 2 - 250mh lights with double connections. We are going for a reef / fish tank and would like to get a claim and decided that this lighting system would work best for us.
We would like to say that lighting is probbaly the most confusing topic, but with everyone input in here we like to think we went with the right choice.
N & G


yes the 75 watt. would be work alright, but for a fish only tank, it isnt necessary.
Normal a bulb with a blue color spect. usually looks alittle nicer, but the white wont look bad.