I am rather new to this, have a 12g FOWLR for a couple months with 2 happy percs and star fish. When I started it, I knew nothing and had done no research. I just seen the kit in the LFS and thought everything would be easy. Well I have now decided to start a reef tank. The aquarium an "eclipes" I have now would be to much work to convert it with lighting and all the other stuff. So looking on the web at nano tanks I see the name brand "nano tank" that is very popular. But in the forums I here people saying "bio cube" too. Is that a name brand. Basicly I want a tank that looks, sleek and not home made, not that there is anything wrong with that. And a tank that can handle medium care coral right out of box. So could I please have the best name brand marine kit around 12 gallons, so I can actually find it on the internet. I have to buy online because I am boycoting Deathco and no other LFS for hours around here. Thank you for your help.