Please help me fix my bubbly tank....I'm out of ideas


New Member
Its a lifetech 38 gallon. Water comes up to the top and filters through the media.

It works its way over to the right side where it spills into this pipe.

Which forces air into the return which makes micro bubbles in the tank. I want them gone.

I made this thing....tried to bring the return up over the water line but microbubbles still there so I took it out.

I've also tried to put some coarse material into the return but it just overflows to the back up pipe and the problem repeats.
Let me know if you have any other ideas. Im sick of these bubbles.


Active Member
I think you need to restrict the flow into the return pipe--some kind of filter perhaps.


Could 90 where you originaly did accept install a T with a top pipe extended above water line and the bottom you will have to play with untill your bubbles are forced up instead of down. Will work if you keep the T below the water line as well as not too much flow.