Please help me i beg u!



Hi guys,
Right now i have a 135...
Pink-tail trigger
Niger trigger
emperor angelfish
Purple tang
Sail finn tang
Blue (hippo) tang
dragon wrasse
marron clown
1. My Emperor angel fish had a white cloudy looking surface on one side... i noticed it started to rise slowly. Today i see that it's now like a blister looking thing and kinda red.
2. the blue tang has ich all over, sail fin tang has it on it's fins, emperor has it on his fins, pink tail trigger has it on his fins...
and the purple tang has one spot on it fins.
all the sick fish are in a 55 gallon with copper... I was wondering if it will cure the emperor angel? I know i'm over-doing it with fish so i plan on trade in the following
blue tang
sail fin tang
marron clown
dragon wrasse
and i'm gonna keep
Pink-tail trigger
Niger trigger
emperor angelfish
Purple tang
add down the line a voltan lion...
now when i add the sick (cured) fish that i plan on keeping back into the main tank should i expect ich again?
i'm running a UV with a skimmer and 2 emperor 400's


Staff member
What copper are you using? Are you using a test kit to test the copper? Do you have a refractometer? Tangs do not do very well with copper treatment.
What are the water conditions in the 55 you are using?
Can you post a picture of your sick fish??


Staff member
gmc03sonom, you must test for cooper during treatment. Please take a look at the FAQ Thead and the post there on ich.
Do you have a refractometer that you can use to do hypsalinity? Copper should not be used when fish have open wounds as you describe. The would may well be the result of infected parasite bite.