Please help me ID this Hermit Crab


New Member
Hi all,
I recently got a new Hermit Crab for my tank and I don't know what species or common name it is. Can anyone help?
He's about three inches wide if that helps at all:

Thank you!


its a green leg and they are little
....if hes the only one in there then you will not have problems but if hes not then I wouldnt keep him...mine killed and ate everyone(not my fish) in my tank even took down a snail that was 2 inches long....


Active Member
I have kept those and have read an article on them. I think their common name is just "brown striped hermit crab" or something along those lines. they ARE quite aggresive though and they ones I had would eat right out of my hands (and pinch onto my hands too). they would also try to compete with fish for food (which is something I've not seen scarlett and blueleg hermits do). they are "questionable" with corals. they DID eat some green plants that I bought, but I never saw them bother my corals. also, they grow large. I saw one at a public aquarium that was as big as a baseball.
but while they're small, for the entertainment factor, I give them a thumbs up. they are very active and personable. moreso than other hermits.


My guys are very active and I opted to keep them until they start to bother the fish then they will hike themselves to the LFS. They are just very mean when it comes to somethings..I have watched mine steal food out of the foxfaces mouth.


Active Member
I've had striped legs for years and find that the Hawaiian Zebras (left handed crabs) are way more aggresive. My striped legs don't really bother anything...they are as docile as my scarlets. My lefties, on the other hand, knock stuff over and try pulling one another from their shells even though there are plenty of empties lying around.


New Member
I Hope they aren't too aggressive. This one is definitly active and I have 9 very small blue leg hermits and 2 scarlets in the tank as well. If he causes trouble he'll have to go!
How are they with corals? I haven't put really any coral work in the tank yet but Im planning that next.
Thansk for the help so far all!


Active Member
Originally Posted by XevKai
I Hope they aren't too aggressive. This one is definitly active and I have 9 very small blue leg hermits and 2 scarlets in the tank as well. If he causes trouble he'll have to go!
How are they with corals? I haven't put really any coral work in the tank yet but Im planning that next.
Thansk for the help so far all!
my lfs guy says they are absolutely NOT reef safe. in my experience, they didn't bother any of my corals. but like I said, I bought some saltwater plants and they DID eat those. in fact, in an hours time, I had 3 or 4 striped legs that ate 3 good sized plants. as far as messing with other hermits, I never saw them mess with any of my blueleg and scarlet crabs. they are active and bold. imo, they are definitely the most "fun" hermits because they put on a show, as long as you don't find them messing with corals.
like I said, they would actually eat straight from my hand. I had one latch onto my thumb one time and even when I pulled my hand competely out of the tank, he held tight. he was determined that he was going to eat my finger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
my lfs guy says they are absolutely NOT reef safe.
Striped legs are about the only hermits my lfs sells. They usually have a few scarlets, but they have hundreds of these guys. Anything else is "we can get some for you"...


I have 3 of them, they are very aggressive, I had to move them to their own tank because I felt my corals weren't safe, I had one zoa frag mysteriosly disappear when they were in my display tank.


Active Member
I used to have one of those guys, came in as a dwarf and kept on growing. Mine was kept with limited coral and small, slow fish. Never saw him do anything wrong but I moved him to his own tank as he made too much racket in the main tank (in bedroom) you could hear him clanking around all the time. After that he was in a ten gallon with a damsel and hawkfish, lived about three years I think. May knock down small frags and rocks but if you keep him well fed I don't think you'll have too much of a problem.


i have 2 of them. they're really not too bad as far as aggression. they eat a lot of plant and whatever falls in front of them. if you feed them well you'll be ok as far as the aggression factor goes. i've had them for a few years now.


Active Member
i was in agreement, that mine isn't too bad.
that was before i found one in a tonga nass. snail shell this morning. the sucker is getting evicted when i get home.