Please Help me identify this anemone!


kari maureen

No laughing, please!! I have a pretty interesting story to tell! I was at ***** today looking to purchase an algae eater for my tank and stumbled upon this anemone... They labeled him as a condi......6.99. I've had many condi's in the past and this DEFINITELY wasn't a condi, the beautiful green gave that away!.... I swooped on my find! I'm torn between two different identifications... The husband says one thing, and I say another... since we both debate until resolved.... I'd like ya'lls help!! :) What would you label this anemone!!
At least I know my clarkii has taken a liking to him!! (or will be eaten tomorrow morning!! ;) )


kari maureen

Anyone at all? The foot of the anemone is bright orange if that helps.......

rod buehle

possibly M.doreensis, but not easy to tell from your pics. Lets see a shot of the oral disc, the mouth area and the foot/underside of the oral disc. (need to see the verrucae or lack of.)

shrimpy brains

Orange bottom? HMMM.... Could be a green condi, though I've never seen one. Sure is beautiful!! I would have bought it, too. Nice find!!

kari maureen

He sure does have really thin and short tentacles to be a condi. my clarkii is one inch long, I know he is buried up in his anemone, but if that helps to identify him! :)

kari maureen


I know more pictures of the same little anemone probably don't help in identifying this little guy, but all I have is my cell phone camera and nothing seems to match up to this little guy that I can find! ah!!!
I donno if I got a good deal or not because I can't identify him properly!!

kari maureen

That's exactly what I thought as well... not a bad deal for 6.99 :)

rod buehle

I have heard LTA used for a few anemones ( M.doreensis mostly, but also H.crispa, and a few people have called their BTAs (e.quadricolor) LTAs) So, " a proper ID" of "LTA " would not be proper
Orange foot might tell me M.doreensis, AKA LTA but would need to see if it has verrecue (little spots) on the underside/foot of the oral disc)
From the pics posted here, it could be a number of different anemones (my guess is still M.doreensis / LTA) but none of them show any proper ways of ID. The tips resemble H.mag, but the tips alone are not a proper form of ID. The oral disc looks as if it could be an E.quad (aka Bta) but again, the oral disc alone is not a proper way of ID. The tentacles looks as if it could be condylactus....