Please help me out here. . .


Im selling my old system, but I have no idea what to ask for it...I have a really bad common sense/estimation mind. :p
I have:
-Lots of and silver combo. very nice = $40 Canadian [~27 U.S.]
-Eclipse 37 gallon with everything = $300 Can [~200 U.S.]
-Nice wrought iron stand = $125 Can [~$83 U.S.]
-every other accessory except a heater
I was just wondering how much you would pay for this system...its like brand new. Only been used for about 4-5 months...
I dont want to ask too much or too little...
Drew :)


Active Member
Figure out what you want for it ... bottom dollar you would accept. Bump that dollar amount up some, then list it in the paper or whatever as that amount or "or best offer"
Write a great ad
List features and benefits
Sell it man sell it !!!
Then let the bickering and bartering begin !!!
It's only worth in cash what someone is willing to pay you for it.
Ya never know ....
Good luck