Please Help Me Out


I have 3 1200 maxi jet powerheads and a protein skimmer in my 125g aquarium. Im so very confused about where in the aquarium they should be placed... at the top... in the middle... if each one should be placed at different levels?? Also how should the little arms that move up and down... that water shoots out of be adjusted? Should they all be pointing to the surface of the water for no dead spots at the top? I was told to leave the bubbles out so I dont turn them way up. Could someone please pretty please give me a hand on the powerheads. :help: Also Im curing LR I have some base rock that I wanna cure also... Would I lay the base down first and put my LR over it? Bot seriously the powerheads confuse me as to where to put them and how they should be pointing. I dont wanna do it wrong


Active Member
Your goal will be to avoid dead spots in water flow. That is to say where debris (uneaten food, etc) can collect and not get circulated to filter. You also want good surface movement. My skimmer is on one end, my canister (both inlet and outlet) are on the side opposite the skimmer, close to the front and the powerhead is in the back corner on the skimmer end. Skimmer flows down, canister flows down and to each side and the powerhead goes corner to corner. Nothing really points AT the sandbed..It depends alot on how high each item flows.
Good directional spouts help.