Please help me with my refugium


New Member
Please help me with my refugium for a 300 gallon tank. It's a 90 gallon glass tank for the refugium. mesurement for itis 48"L x 24"T x 18"W. I'm going to use acrylic as dividers, It's going to have a lot of flow through it so should I have the overflows dump into the middle and have returns on each sides or have it flow in one direction across the tank??? Please give me some drawings on what i should do for chambers. BTW the Skimmer is going to be external, so i dont need space for it

sign guy

Active Member
Im curintly working on a 300 as well. looking around 7200gph through the sump.
first off you can not attach acrylic to glass safly. youll need to hit up a local glass shop for some scraps. You said your skimmer will be external but it will still need to have a certen amount of pressure commining into the bulkhead that feeds the skimmer. what brand is it and how much water should it be opporating under


New Member
It's a locally made skimmer, flows 500gph through the skimmer. I have a Dolphin 5600/4700 pump, if plumped with 2" at 6' head it'll flow 4800gph, or if i plump with 1.5" it'l flow at 3600gph. I was told that 3600gph through the refug. was too much.


You can put anything you want through your refugium. A 90 gallon refugium is big. If you feel that is too much flow you could divert some of the flow in your refugium with another divider at the back half and drill some holes through it and place a ball valve to regulate the flow. Also I'm not sying the other guy is worng, but I know a lot of very experienced people who silicone acrylic to glass and nothing ever happens. I would use 3/8" acrylic for stablility.