Please Help Me With Starting a Tank


New Member
Hello everyone! I am new to all of this and I am hoping someone put there would be willing to help me. I have had freshwater tanks for years and have always wanted to start a salt water tank. I am now to the point where I am ready to begin! I just bought a 35 gallon Hex tank. Is there anyone out there who can tell me what all I need to start a salt water tank? If you could please give me the names and brands of things that I would need? I al completely lost and I am looking for some to help! What do you suggest I start out with? Fish only tank, reef tank, what? Please help!


Active Member
Welcome, I recommend going to the Hew Hobbyist section and reading the stickies. There is a lot of useful info to get started.


Active Member
if the seasoned reefers all gave their opinions on what to get you would really be confused.
there are many ways to set up a successful way is different than his way and then there is her way.
but the basics are for your tank 40 lbs live rock sand .now this is another debate.i like just a one inc depth but most like 2-3.some like buying live sand but i just get argonite as it will grow good bacteria over time anyway .sump or no sump?
first thing is what do you want to keep?you need to think down the road reef with corals or aggressive fish?with a smaller 35 gallon probably a smaller fish size would be what to look research on fish look at compatibility charts .make a wish list .post it and we can help with narrowing it down.i could go on and on.
but you will realize salt fish keeping is nothing like freshwater.
as gemmy said go to the newbie section and read up.