Please Help Me


Will SeedWeed cause a nitrate spike if not removed?? And a ammonia reading of 0.25 My nitrates are 80 and Im gonna do like 40 gallon water change in my 125g...Will this bring the nates down? Real nice timing cause I have a Clown fish coming on tuesday


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrendaC
Will SeedWeed cause a nitrate spike if not removed?? And a ammonia reading of 0.25 My nitrates are 80 and Im gonna do like 40 gallon water change in my 125g...Will this bring the nates down? Real nice timing cause I have a Clown fish coming on tuesday

How long has this tank been setup?? I couldn't remember from your previous posts.....I would do 30g change every other day to lower your nitrate. You better hold off on that clown fish by placing it in a QT tank for now if you get it Tuesday. Usually there's enough scavengers around to eat up the left over seaweed. You should remove any excess that's not eaten. It shouldn't cause a spike like that depending on how mature your tank is. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
What is SeedWeed? Is it a cycling product?

Seaweed is just another way to say NORI.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Seaweed is just another way to say NORI.

Oh okay, SEAWEED. It was spelled SeedWeed so I didn't know what she was talking about.