Please Help Me!


I don't know what to get, and I want some people's opinions. I am in college, and I want to start my first aquarium in my room. I don't really want many, if any, fish, just a few inverts, corals, and maybe a clam in a year or so. Being at college means I'll have to take it home over Xmas, and the summer, so I'll have to be able to pack it all up. That means that whatever I do get will have to be small, and it won't be able to have tons of stuff in it. I'm looking at either getting a:
6 gallon nanocube from nanocustoms with 54 watts PC lights
6 gallon nanocube from nanocustoms with 70w viper metal halide clip
a 12 gallon nanocustoms tank from nanocustoms
a 12 gallon aquapod with 70w metal halides on eaBy
I've heard that 6 gallons is like ridiculously hard to keep stable, but I don't understand why. I mean, without fish, nothing in it is going to be that big of a bioload. If it is a matter of just being careful with the thing, I think I can manage that, but if there is something that I can't do, what is it? I went to my LFS and the guy, claiming to be a "marine biologist," said I couldn't keep a 6. He said I would spend too much money chasing my levels around to enjoy the aquarium.

Is it really something that I should not do? Would it be easier to get a 12 gallon tank even though it would be more work moving it? IS THE DIFFERENCE IN TANK SIZE AND MOVING IT GOING TO BE MADE UP FOR IN THE FACT THAT A 12 GALLON WILL BE MORE STABLE? WHAT SHOULD I DO???


I think my 2.5 is the easiest tank I have ever had!! Little weekly water changes, I have no fish so the bio load is nill. The only thing I can say is read up on that Viper light. I too was going to get one but I have heard many bad reviews from people on them. Bad ballasts, and light blowing up!! I took the middle Road in your case I went with a 8 gallon
. If you are looking to have clams go with metal halide. As far as size, thats a personal opinion i guess!! I don't even check my 2.5 reef and everything is going great and it costs next to nothing. I don't have a big extravagant setup just a few corals, a few crabs, LR. One thing I have noticed is that my 2.5 topless evaporates much quicker then my Bio-Cube8 which has a top on it. If you are leaving for extended periods of time the viper set up not a way to go seeing as though it a clip on light and topless set up. Good luck with you decision!!


Active Member
I have never had problems with my numeorus pico (2 gal or less) tanks. I personally would not bother with nano customs as they are WAY over priced, nor would I go with any JBJ Nano as they are all a cracked tank just waiting to happen, or with an aqua pod. You can assemble from stock online items a 5 gal nano which is as efficieint as any factory built cube or pod is and not be tied into propreitary items or become a member of the cracked tank in the waiting family.