Ok here's my emergency. I have a juvenille (yet large) snowflake eel in my 100 gal. I recently added a large clarkii clown who was the only fish (besides my bottom dwelling "fresh water lion") in my tank. I was worried for him at first until one day I saw him nip at the tail of my eel. I blew it off as a case of mistaken identity until a few days later I saw him attack my eel by bitting his mouth, my SFE did nothing to him to aggervate such behavior nor did he fight back, but don't get me wrong this was a mean ass bite. I added a few fish a couple of days ago to give him some tank mates and maybe distract him but it did no good. He is getting more vicious almost to the point of trying to "lock jaw" with him. He also seems to not like the royal beauty dwarf angel I added either. He is constanly chasing him but luckily my angel is fast enough and whitty enough to get away. I researched this clarkii before I got him and I never read that they would get so aggresive, anyways I need help before my eel gets too stressed or even injured (sounds crazy but looks to be headed that way) What should I do?