Please Help - My clarkii clown has it out for my SFE



Ok here's my emergency. I have a juvenille (yet large) snowflake eel in my 100 gal. I recently added a large clarkii clown who was the only fish (besides my bottom dwelling "fresh water lion") in my tank. I was worried for him at first until one day I saw him nip at the tail of my eel. I blew it off as a case of mistaken identity until a few days later I saw him attack my eel by bitting his mouth, my SFE did nothing to him to aggervate such behavior nor did he fight back, but don't get me wrong this was a mean ass bite. I added a few fish a couple of days ago to give him some tank mates and maybe distract him but it did no good. He is getting more vicious almost to the point of trying to "lock jaw" with him. He also seems to not like the royal beauty dwarf angel I added either. He is constanly chasing him but luckily my angel is fast enough and whitty enough to get away. I researched this clarkii before I got him and I never read that they would get so aggresive, anyways I need help before my eel gets too stressed or even injured (sounds crazy but looks to be headed that way) What should I do?

salt life

Active Member
IMO if he is still messing with your SFE AND now your new additions,your best bet is to just get rid of the clarkii so you don't have to worry about it harassing everything you put in your tank. just my 2 cents, that is for you to decide though. either get rid of him or get rid of all the fish it messes with..


Active Member
Clarkiis can be the MEANEST clows out there. I have a female that is very protective of her male to the point she has chase a 6 inch Lunare wrasse into my eel tubes multiple times. She also has made myHuma Huma STOP picking on a Bursa Trigger that was 1 inch smaller.


Well we had made a new housing structure for our eels out of clear plastic tubing and pvc pipe elbows, T's, and four ways. By the way you can find the clear tubing at Home Depot it's actually a flouresent light canister and is so awesome to use for eels or fish that like to hide. Anyways once we introduced the new housing and adjusted the rocks to fit around it the tanks dominance had rearanged as well. My new venemous foxface has shifted to the top of the chain which is a good thing because he is really laid back. My clarkii who will still nip and chase at feeding time has left everybody alone for the most part. And as for the eels they love the "new house" And we do too since we can actually see them now.