Please help! My Green Wolf Eel and/or Snowflake Eel eats everything!


New Member
I can't seem to keep any fish alive! My Green Wolf Eel and/or Snowflake Eel eats all of my fish and I'm tired of starting over. If anyone has suggestions on what inventory of fish I should buy, it would really be helpful! I want to goto a reef tank someday, but I haven't done so thus far. I am just tired of replacing fish and I'm getting frustrated. Please help!
I have a 90 gallon tank with only live rock in it so far.
Only remaining fish is the 2 eels, a bunch of hermit crabs, and 2 chocolate chip stars.


Active Member
as far as i know eels will eat just about anything you put in there. i think they are a species only fish, so maybe you will have to bring him back.
welcome to the boards


New Member
Thank you for the welcome. That was my 1st post! lol
But I have bought so many fish in the past 8 months, since I have had my tank up!
Let me see if I remember:
2 large clownfish
2 blenny's
2 banghaii cardnals
2 panther grouper
1 lemonpeel angel
Now they are all gone! I want to start all over, but I don't want to make the same mistake again. I would love to put more than the 2 eels in there. Do I have a chance?
Thanks again for your help!


Active Member
idk see why that owuld happen. some of those fish are pretty big. i keep shrimp with my snowflake and it doesnt touch them. how big is yours


Eels are naturally very opportunistic feeders. If a fish swims by that will fit in their mouths, they'll eat it. That's just the nature of an eel, I'm afraid to say. About the only fish that they will generally leave alone are the venomous ones like lions or the pokey ones like porcupine puffers [though I'm sure someone's got a story of exception to this as well.]. Anyone else is pretty much fair game if they're small enough.
Bottom line: a lot of your success or failure here will depend on the size of your eels and the size of the tank mates you choose for them. Small fish with medium to large eels generally isn't good regardless of the species you choose.
If buying larger fish than your eels can swallow isn't an option, then considering returning your eels to the LFS for credit and then purchase the fish you want from your stocking list. That's what I'd do if I was in your situation.
Good luck! I know how frustrating it is when someone in the tank decides to make a very expensive and unintended snack out of one of their co-inhabitants... :mad: Most all of us have been there, so we know how you feel.



i had a green wolfe eel for a long time. mine was a female. i had a sea goblin and a anglar and crocodile fish and a walking bat fish and they all got along. even when she laid eggs. as long as you feed it well.


I wouldn't suggest any eels in a reef. People have done it, but most of the time, it's a horror flick waiting to happen. A lot of reef fish are smaller, or more slender, and easy targets for agressive eels. You're either going to have to go aggressive or get rid of the eels and go reef. In my experience, that is my opinion. (Unless you get a big tank and get a zebra eel which only eats crustaceans, which makes another problem b/c you won't have a cleanup crew.)


most likely your wolf eel. you will need to get fish that wont fit in there mouth. as far as eels in a reef, BAD IDEA. most eels, the snowflake being one of the worst, move around the rocks alot and this could cause damage to corals. your best bet would be to go agressive.