please help my poor lionfish =(


New Member
i fed my lionfish some dried krill and now the left gill is swollen towards the bottom. i was in a rush so i didn't soak the krill fully until it was soft. i saw him eat it and somehow it got stuck (seemed like the krill was too big for it). eventually it went down somehow. i tried feeding him again right after that and when he tried to open his mouth, it was only opened partially, seemed like he was in pain from the krill being stuck somwhere. he spends most of his time now pointing his face directly towards the bottom gravel now. he is alert but doesn't want to eat. he swims around here and there though. looks like he's breathing normally even though his left gill is swollen.
my lionfish is hungry. i put in some ghost shrimp and he attempted to eat it. however, everytime he opens his mouth to try to capture the shrimp, his mouth can't extend all the way, it won't reach the shrimp. he could open his mouth though, he just can't extend it. his left gill is no longer swollen. this is very sad for me, seeing that he can't eat. anyone have any suggestions? please please help me out. thanks in advance.


Active Member
First 'Welcome to the Board"
Second You may wantto post this or a simalar question down in the Aggressive forum...More people experianced with these type of fish there...
How long has this been going on...(between the first dried Krill and the update)
Could be It'll take a little time for the Krill to "soften" and go down...
He may have "displaced" his gill structure and it is "sore" now but should heal soon and be back to normal...
Being "alert, swimming and not breathing hard" are all good signs
Lionfish can go several days without eating/starving so give him some time, he'll come around and be OK...


New Member
thanks for the reply, i posted this in aggressive setup also now. hopefully my lionfish will be ok.
Originally posted by Squidd
First 'Welcome to the Board"
Second You may wantto post this or a simalar question down in the Aggressive forum...More people experianced with these type of fish there...
How long has this been going on...(between the first dried Krill and the update)
Could be It'll take a little time for the Krill to "soften" and go down...
He may have "displaced" his gill structure and it is "sore" now but should heal soon and be back to normal...
Being "alert, swimming and not breathing hard" are all good signs
Lionfish can go several days without eating/starving so give him some time, he'll come around and be OK...