Please help my trigger!!!


I have had my huma huma trigger in my tank for about 5 months now. Two weeks ago I decided to add a miniatus grouper. They fought for a little before the grouper scratched the trigger with his mouth on the triggers nose. A week after this, a lump has occured on the triggers nose. The lump has remained now for a week. The trigger has become less aggresive when eatting and swimming. I don't know if this is the cause of the groupers dominance or the lump. Can anyone tell me what this lump is and what I can do to solve this problem? Thanks for your time. (The lump is under the skin and is about the size of a dime. My trigger is about 4 1/2 inches .)


It's hard to say for sure. Could be scar tissue or he could have damage tohis mouth affecting his eating. I don't know for certain. I would wait and see, as long as he is still eating and seems healthy. Just thought I'd try to help. Maybe someone else will know more. :confused: