PLEASE HELP!! Need answer quick on adding Additional Filter


New Member
Hey everyone,
I love this site! Anyhow, I have a 55gal reef tank. Last week my filter quit on me! of course it was on a sunday so nothing was open! I finally got to the pet store on monday and bought a new smaller filter to just help out in getting things back to normal. Luckily I had powerheads in there as well, so it stayed fine being without a filter for a day. Question is that I put the substrate that was in the old filter into the new temporary one and fired it up. Everything is fine, but now I got the replacement 350gph filter...can i just ADD it to the system? Or will the fact that its new cause a spike later on when it starts to form biological on the new substrate etc?? Thanks


Active Member
You can add an additional filter on at any time. It shouldn't cause any issues at all.
Run both filters for a while, then if you want to remove the temporary one after a few weeks, you should be able to.