the josey wales
Hello everyone.
First, let me thank you all for your wonderful contabutions on this forum. I have learned alot,but have a long road ahead .
I have a 40g, 3ft long, that has a 2 ft flourecent, this is insuffecent lighting, yes?
No aeration is nessasary? I.E. air stones?
I got 45lbs caribsea aragonite. Is this fair?
I rinsed the aragonite like a dumb-###, is that O.K.?
As a FW owner I am familier with the testing process, but my fw is 2 yr old and I never test for anything anymore. It's doing fabulous. Will I ever get to that point with SW?
Got 50lbs live rock on the way.
I would like to have the following creatures: Inserted carfuly in this order :
Blue leg hermit
cerith snail
cleaner shrimp
purple urchin
Orange linkia star
percula clownfish
blue hippo tang
Any input would be greatly appreacieted. no detail is too small for me as I am so new to this hobby.
First, let me thank you all for your wonderful contabutions on this forum. I have learned alot,but have a long road ahead .
I have a 40g, 3ft long, that has a 2 ft flourecent, this is insuffecent lighting, yes?
No aeration is nessasary? I.E. air stones?
I got 45lbs caribsea aragonite. Is this fair?
I rinsed the aragonite like a dumb-###, is that O.K.?
As a FW owner I am familier with the testing process, but my fw is 2 yr old and I never test for anything anymore. It's doing fabulous. Will I ever get to that point with SW?
Got 50lbs live rock on the way.
I would like to have the following creatures: Inserted carfuly in this order :
Blue leg hermit
cerith snail
cleaner shrimp
purple urchin
Orange linkia star
percula clownfish
blue hippo tang
Any input would be greatly appreacieted. no detail is too small for me as I am so new to this hobby.