please help sick tang


New Member
I don't understand my yellow tang has come down with ich, as have all of my other fish, but my tang has stoped eating. My fish have been symptomatic for about 2 months. About a month and a half ago I started treatment. I lowered the salinity to 1.015 and started copper treatment. I then learned about a month ago that 1.009 is the correct level for stoping the life cycle. My fish were doing alot better at this point, but just recently it has gotten worse. They are all scratching, and my tang has stopped eating. The only thing I have done differenly in this time period is remove the copper about 2 weeks ago because my fish were not showing symptoms and i figured with the salinity being low would not allow the parasite to reproduce. Pretty soon after I removed the copper they were sick again. I have since started copper treatment again. I really love my fish, especially my tang and would be crused if he doesn't make it. It seems that I have done everything in my power. My water conditions are excellent, and all my fish are feed the proper diet. This is my theory on the situation. I am using a swing arm hydrometer and was told that they can be inacurate.( maybe why the reinfestation). But the only time my copper levels dipped below .15 were when I removed it with a poly filter after i thought they were fine. Why is the copper not helping my fish now, I have cacaneous material in the tank but I test the copper levels three times a day to make sure the appropriate level is obtained. Do I just have to be more patient with the copper. Also my salinity is still around 1.009 if not alittle below according to my swing are hydrometer. Could someone please help me by explaining why the sudden reinfestation and what else can i do if anything. In anyones opinion do you think that my tang will pull through? I'm sorry for the long explaination but i'm tying not to leave anything out. Thanks for your help

72 gallon
coral skeletons, cc substate, lava rocks,
baby humu humu trigger, baby niger trigger, yellow tang, and orange tail damsel.
bio filter, air diffusors
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