PLEASE HELP, something's wrong with my PB tang

I have a PB tang in my 420 folr. It is my oldest fish, 3 years, a great, beautiful fish.
Yesterday, I noticed that it seems to have an injury. There was what appeared to be a little cut on its side. (I assume it got into a tussle with one of the other tangs)
Today, it has white clumps on both sides, and on its fins. The clumps are bigger than ich. There is a thread-like piece on one side, but I think that is where the cut was. It might just be a piece of skin.
What should I do. Do I pull the fish and try treating it in a hospital tank? If so, with what? I have Kent Marine Rx-P. Will this help?
I always feed with garlic. Should I just ride it out?
Please help
I would really hate to lose this guy.
It seems to be improving on its own. Should I just let him be????
Please, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.:help:


Active Member
Often times injuries like what you're describing will heal on their own. Your link is not working but w/o seeing the fish, I'd suggest keeping a close eye on it and watch for further healing or any deterioration in the fish. The biggest concern here would be a bacterial infection which would be best treated in a hospital tank and antibiotics. Problem here is removing the fish and further strerssing it out. If it appears to be healing, keep an eye on it. If it shows redness, or the fish begins to exhibit other symptoms, you may need other interventions. Nature has a way of taking care of things sometimes without our meddling.:)


Staff member
That picture didn't work. Slashes from other tangs can be very problemmatic. The swords on tangs carry bacteria. Additionally, if there has been aggression going on, you can count on it continuing.
There is no way to treat the fish in the display. Try heavy feedings with food soaked in freshly minced garlic. Otherwise, move the injured fish to an established QT for antibiotic treatment.


You shouldn't have two tangs or two of ANY species in the same tank; especially tangs and clowns!