Please Help Soon!!!!!


I am in the process of setting up a 90gal, I was going to buy 70lbs of LR and 40lbs of ls tomorrow. An aquaintance is getting rid of his fish and wants to give them to me. WHAT DO I DO WITH THEM UNTIL TOMORROW????????


Active Member
GIVE THEM to you local fish store, a new tank is not a place for fish, the tank needs to be cycled first...
if the store is nice, they will hold fish for ya (fee or not)


Fish should not be put in a tank while you are trying to cycle. Can your friend Give you his water and Tank or hold them for you until your has cycled. Like slothy said some fish stores will hold them for you but not all. If you cant do one or the other I suggest selling them back to the LFS as most likely they will not survive in a new tank. Good Luck


Would they be ok in a smaller tank with just a hang on filter for a while. My LFS is pretty cool but he has done so much for me already, I would hate to ask another favor.


Well first what kind of fish are they and how small of a tank are you talking about? Will this other smaller tank have cycled water from your buddies tank? Just trying to figure out the best way to help you move your fish. :D


he wants to give me a yellow tang, blue damsel, domino damsel, yellowtail damsel, 3 stripe damsel, hippo tang, PJ cardinal, Flame Angel, and one other that i can't remember. All are very small. They would go in a 20 gal for now with cycled water.


Well the damsels might be okay but the Tang I dont think i would do. Tangs need a lot of room and become stressed if cramped and in thsi situation it seems that is what might happen. Tangs and Angels get ICh very easily when stressed and this could cause a major problem in your tank as Ich is hard to treat.....and time consuming. I would take the tangs , angle and cardinal to the pet store and either sell them or ask to hold them. The damsels will be fine temporarily but will need to be moved very soon. Hope this help and I am sorry I dont have better news for ya. ;)


Thanks for the advice. See what I can do. Can't wait till tomorrow to get the 90 goin. Thank again..


The tangs are the only ones in that group that would really have a problem in the temp home. Flame angels are a dwarf species, and would likely be ok for a while. PJ cardinals also do not get very large. The store will likely understand and hold the tangs for you.


yeah the flame angle is in the dwarf species but get ICH very easily thats the only thing about moving them. I don't have cardinals so I am not sure on them other than they don't get big, but I am sure someone on here will give some good advice on them. I would just hate for you to move the fish and then get Ich as it can wipe out your whole tank. I am still trying to recover from an outbreak. The damsels are a hardy fish and can usually stand water variations to where the other can not.
and your very welcome...glad to see that people look for advice rather than just doing......most of my learning comes from experience and others advice. Wished I had found this site sooner.:D


I'd like to suggest we slow down......maybe even back up a little bit.
If I'm following this discussion, right now your plan is to put 4 assorted damsels, a cardinal and possibly another fish into a 20 gallon tank......with cycled water......until your 90 gallon has cycled. At the same time you'll be leaving a yellow tang, hippo tang and flame angel with your lfs until the 90 cycles. At the end of the 90 cycle you plan on putting all these fish into it.
A couple concerns about this plan:
---There's a "rule of thumb" about how many/how much fish should/could be kept in a sw inch of fish for every 5 gallons . Without your unnamed fish, you're probably at or slightly over that limit.
---Probably not a good idea to keep two tangs in a 90 gallon tank. The tank is too small to provide adequate swimming room for two adult tangs.
---Not a good idea to put tangs or a flame angel in a newly cycled tank. These species require a more mature environment. The dwarf angel is a grazer and needs/likes lots of algea to nibble on......which it won't find in a newly cycled tank.
Okay, and if that's not bad enough:
---You don't mention what you're using as filtration for the 20 temporary housing tank. Is it a filter that has been in use on that tank, as sw, for some time? Has that tank had sw fish in it recently? If no to either or both of those, it's very likely the 20 will cycle shortly after you put the 4 or 5 fish into it. A tank is "cycled" when the bacteria in the biological filtration system (filter, live rock, live sand) can keep up with the bio-load ( waste products and decaying, uneaten food). Even though the water you're putting in the 20 is cycled, the bioload will become unbalanced when you put 5 fish in a small tank with (I'm guessing) inadequate filtration....and you'll begin a cycle.
Maybe I have guessed wrong and am reading too much into what you've not said. I hope so. If I'm right, though, I think you should set-up the 90, return all those fish to the lfs and try to get some store credit for future purchases. Then, when the 90 is ready, begin to add fish.....slowly.......
(Set up the 20, too. You can use it as a quarantine tank when you begin to stock your 90.)


I suggested that the fish be returned because the tangs need room... the cardinal I know nothing about as I have never had one. the damsels would be fine in the 20 gal with cycled water from the tank they are breaking down.... may have to adjust how many do to size, but if it is for a short period of time they should be fine. Do you disagree?


I don't disagree if it's for a short time but the cycle for the 90 could take 4 to 6 weeks. Too long, IMO, to keep 4 or 5 fish in a 20 gallon tank with possibly inadequate filtration.
I read the original post as two seperate events:1. setting up a 90 and 2. getting fish from a friend. If the 90 is just being moved, filtration, fish and all, then the 20 should be fine as a place to put some fish for the day the tank is being moved.
My concerns about all those fish in the 90 still stand.


THANK YOU to everyone for the input. I contacted my lfs and he is willing to take all the fish except the damsels(using them to cycle the 90) and is giving me a slight discount on the LR and LS. I will be waking up in the AM and going to pick out my pieces. I have decided to just take it slow make sure I do this right. Any recomendations on good books to read. I am slowly learning more and more from just reading these posts and a good book would be great.
Thanks again to everyone.


New Member
I have a 20gal that we put 4 damsels in just make more room in our other tank and they love it in there! I wouldnt put any tangs in there that is not enough room at all for them.