Please help !!!! tang issue !!!


New Member
my yellow tang is nipping at my cleaner shrimp, is this normal? mabey im not feeding the tang enough?:help: :help:


try putting some seweed in there> the packages sometimes come with clips taht will hold it and a suction cup to attach to the side of your tank. At first my Yellow was afrid of the seaweed flipping in the current but now she plays with it. Hope this helps.:happy:


He might be doing it just to do it. At the lfs I use...a very small tang bit the tail right of a pajama cardinal. I had one, and it was very peaceful, guess it's a personality thing.


Active Member
May want to put the tang in a bigger tank may be to crowded and he is taking it out on everything els tangs should be kept in tanks 75 gallons or more and that is only yellow tangs. Other tangs need even more.


Sounds like a great canidate for my tang mafia............Tony (the head of the family and a clarki clown in my tank) Will pay 25 dollars a day for your tang's services......................
My tanghs are very aggressive towards certain fish and inhabitants I have had....................your tang may end up killing the shrimp. Don't be surprised. My tangs killed a dwarf lionfish........