please help( very urgent)


okay i was looking online for lights and found these. I found a viper HQI clamp lamp that was 70 watts and 14000k. is this good for coral and anemones. then i found corallife lunar aqualights compact flourescent strip lights and the bulbs are an actinic and 10000k bulbs. each one is 65 this good for coral and anemones?then i found a t5 nove extreme with linar lights. it comes with two actinic lights and two 10000k t5 ho this good for corals and anemones

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by fish2
okay i was looking online for lights and found these. I found a viper HQI clamp lamp that was 70 watts and 14000k. is this good for coral and anemones. then i found corallife lunar aqualights compact flourescent strip lights and the bulbs are an actinic and 10000k bulbs. each one is 65 this good for coral and anemones?then i found a t5 nove extreme with linar lights. it comes with two actinic lights and two 10000k t5 ho this good for corals and anemones
hows this urgent?


we will need to know what size tank you have to be able to tell you if anything is good...but yeah not urgent...i was thinking something was dying or


i am new to this so i dont know anything. theye told me this was the strongest bulb i could have with my light system whatever its called. its a corallife 18 watt 10000k bulb now please help


what size is the tank?? personally i like metal halides and would spend my money on a fixture that had at least 1 halide and actinics


Originally Posted by fish2
it is im going to have to buy them tomorrow . i just shelled out 200$ on coral and anemone
shoulda did this the other way around and bout the lights before the coral and anemone....what kind of coral and anemone did you buy???


how much money do you have to spend on lights?? cuz you would be wasting money to buy lights that still arent strong enough to support what you need....but again what size is the tank


Active Member
quite honestly... and not to be a jerk...
but go return everything you bought.
i'm sure this is a brand new tank, especially if you don't have lights.
youre going to kill the anenome, which will in turn kill your whole tank. i don't even know if they make t5 or MH's for a 20 gallon


Originally Posted by renogaw
quite honestly... and not to be a jerk...
but go return everything you bought.
i'm sure this is a brand new tank, especially if you don't have lights.
youre going to kill the anenome, which will in turn kill your whole tank. i don't even know if they make t5 or MH's for a 20 gallon
ditto that...only thing really to do there would be to do a pendant


The LED lights are not gonna get you anywhere near what you need. Unless you get one of the really expensive large LED units that claim to produce as much light as halides with less heat, power, etc... If you shell out the money for a large LED unit be prepared to have to replace parts on it about ever 4 months. The reviews on another forum show its not worth the money.
Now, on to your real situation. Like others have said, you did this in reverse order and should take the light loving corals back to the store.Hopefully they will take it back, if not try to find a local reef club -google it, and see if someone will at least hold them in their tank for you until you get the proper lighting. I'm guessing that if your lights weren't up to par and you had no idea what you were getting into with those purchases that your tank parameters probably aren't gonna be where they need to be as well. Whats your salinity, ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alk, and calcium? I still consider myself to be a new person to this hobby and I've had my tank set up for about 2 years now. Most important thing is to do your research before making any purchase for your tank. Some things require more or less light than others, some require a strong flow of water, and there are many ways to achieve both. Get yourself a god book on reefkeeping- I'm sure someone on here can suggest a good book with more experience than I can give. Take it slow and don't buy things in the LFS just because they look nice. If you like it, go home and google it to find out what your getting into, then go back and buy it if you choose to. Never trust the guy at the LFS. Some are great guys and will go out of their way to make sure you know what your getting, others have no clue. One near me has people working in the fish department that have never had a tank and definitely don't understand much about it other than getting whatever you tell them to get you tossing it in a bag and sending you on your way. It really sounds like you jumped into this a bit too fast, step back and slow down, it'll work out in the longrun.


the small sunpod might fit. It's 20", 150w MH. $250. Still need to do what the others are saying though. Anemone needs an established tank.