PLEASE HELP WITH Aquarium overflow wet/ dry


Ok I need help I bought a 125 aquarium with overflow and not sure if you call it a sump but I will explain it. It has a aquarium about a 20 gallon long that sits under the stand. In the 20 gall it has a pump. Now my ???? is I filled the tank up and the smaller tank little over half way full and when we turned on the pump it overflowed everywhere. I know this sounds confusing. But here is how it is set up. It has a overflow box in the right back corner now off the overflow box going into the tank it has a pvc bar that has holes for spraying water into tank, this also has a pvc tube that goes down the overflow box and a tube that connect to pump. On this tube it has a cut off valve. Please advise me what I am doing wrong. If you like I will be glad to call you and talk to you. My email is My husband wants to know also if the pump fails will the tank overflow again??? Or should there be a valve that only allows water to flow 1 way??
Thanks so much for any help I may have gone way in over my head on this tank. It may be for sale dirt cheap.