Please help With High Nitrates


New Member
I need some good advice quick. I am doing water changes and the only fish in my tank is a yellow tang and a flametail goby. All the other test are completely perfect. I have a 55 gallon tank and a wet/dry trickle filter. So far I have removed half of the bio balls and plan to remove the other half tonight. I have bought algae to help but the tang eats them within a day or two. So no help there. The bottom is live sand and I have around 45 pounds of live rock. What is missing? :confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
I would also caution you as to removing the balls too quickly.This may cause a recycle if there is not enough established bacteria in the sand and rock.With only 45lbs of rock you are pushing it.How high are the nitrates??? Every tank (especially a FO) will have them to some extent.
[ April 30, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Active Member
Its going to take a while for your trates to go down once you have removed the bio media, the sand bed must also mature in order for denitrification to begin. take it slow and your trates will be gone in no time.
Hate to butt in, but I have been doing a lot of reading on the whole LR issue and it seems that a lot of hobbyists are starting to think that the LR is more of a decoration and a place to put coral. Seems if you have a well stocked sand bed it will take care of all your biological needs. I have seen alot of tanks lately with less that a pound per gallon and the tanks are thriving. I plan on trying it myself when I set up my 29 again. Less live rock gives the tank a more open look and aids in circulation. It also helps out the wallet.


Active Member
Andron is right in that LS beds that are efficient don't need LR and can sustain a large bioload if done right. LR is just the best source of 'live ' componets if you start your tank with dry aragonite substrate.
Its easier to suggest that people buy LR then explain how to properly establish a good LS colony.
That is why all serious reef keepers should read monthly publications, reef keeping info changes for the better all the time.