Please help with Hippo


Hippo has been in Hypo in QT for 26 days.For the last 3 days I have been doing water changes with water from main tank without dilluting it to raise salinity.The main tank has been free of fish for 4 weeks so I was planning on returning hippo to main tank in a few days. Now it appears that on the blue spot in between the black it looks like white salt size things under the skin . any Idea ?


I used a refractometer. I picked up some coppersafe ,but I wont use it if you think I should try hypo again. The blue devil damsel is doing great,Yellow tang is doing good although it lost an eye.hippo was doing great untill I started raising salinity.Could I return the damsel and Yellow tang to main tank or do they need treatment along with hippo ? Thanks


Staff member
Lost an eye???? Why, what happened?
Any chance you can get a pic up of the hippo's questionable area?
Did you notice with your refract what the salinity level was? That would be on the other side of the of the specific gravity reading on your refract.
Did you count your days in hypo beginning from the last day you actually saw ich on the fish?


I think the yellow tangs eye got infected due to poor water quality. High ammonia and nitrites.readings are much better now.Answer to your question, no I didnt start counting days in hypo after I last saw ich. On 10/24 Salinity was at 1.009 - 1.010 for aprox 25 days . I just started raising salinity a few days ago when I noticed Hippo has possible ich. I really cant get a picture.1) my camera doesnt take detail too good and 2) He is either hiding or moving real fast. Should I start hypo again ? Thank-you
here is a pic of infected eye. Now there is nothing there. I will try to get pics tommarrow


Staff member
Did you post about the yellow tang's problem before? I don't recall it.
Go back into hyposalinity will all your fish. Your refractometer should have a reading for both salinity which should be at 14ppm and specific gravity which should be at 1.009. Take it down to those levels.
Wait until all signs of ich have gone then could down the 3 wks. You need to be specific. It can't go up to 1.010. Test salinity daily.
Does that YT still need treatment? You can treat with Maracyn Two for Saltwater fish.