Please Help with Lymphocytis

dr. jay

Hi.... I developed what I am sure is lymphocytis on my adult queen angel which I have been Qt'in the last 2 weeks in a 92 gallon with 45 lbs live rock and live sand. I also have a cleaner shrimp in there as well.
It looks like LARGE salt granules (not small like ick) on the bases of the back fin and the right lateral fin. The left lateral fin, body of the fish and the apex of the fin are completely spared. It has been on him a week and he is acting fine, eating fine and behaving fine. Not rubbing against the rock, etc.
Question is, first of all, because it has been on him a week, not progressing, and he is acting fine, does this rule out it being ick.
second, is there any way to treat lymphocytis other than giving vitamin enriched foods. (ie acyclovir).
Third, can I move him to the main display (he will be Qt'd 3 weeks this Thursday).
Fourth.... is it contageous, or is the virus ubiquitous.
There isnt a lot of info on this disease anywhere, so any help would be appreciated.