Please help with montipora coral....


New Member
Hello, I have a well established mixed reef tank. 75 gallon, I have a red montipora coral that I have had in my tank for over a year now and it has slowly been getting lighter. I have metal halide combo and the coral is always placed pretty high in the tank. I have some pictures because it is hard to issues with anything eating on it, and I guess this is what people call "bleaching" although it has been a very slow going process now for i would say at least 4 months. I never really paid much attention to how red it was before and am not sure if it being pale red is normal or if it is a cry for help. It is a very beautiful specimen and I would like ot keep it happy. I dose with strontium, calcium, zooplankton. Can someone tell me if this guy looks normal or if there is a problem? Thanks!
P.S.---There is also what looks to be some sort of aiptasia growing on it? It is different than any aiptasia I have ever seen...anyone know if thats what it is and if i need to do something about it? --i tried to capture a pic of it...4th photo its on the far right side towards the top of the coral. thanks!



What is your calcium, magnesium and alkalinity level? As corals get bigger, they consume more and more so there may not be as much as it needs in your tank.
Do you dose?


Well-Known Member
Salinity and temperature too, please.
Dosing calcium isn't enough for these guys - they have to have alkalinity and magnesium and other stable parameters. A montipora also has a large amount of itself dedicated to capturing food - so you have to feed them plenty as well.
If your halides are getting old, the spectrum is shifting and perhaps not putting as much PAR into the water as needed to take care of the montipora either.
Do some tests, take some parameters, add a little extra flow to the area, and feed a little more to your tank for the time being.


Seth, montis are not that bad lol. Like any sps they filter feed and will do fine with fish poop ;)
mag, alk, calcium, flow and good par is all you need.