Please help with my new 5gal nano


I have a 5gal hex tank that came with a light, and filter. I was researching setting it up as a s/w nano tank and wanted to get some feedback as to whether this is a good idea or not. I am looking to have it as a fish only tank, i understand I won't be able to have more than one or two fish in there. I need advice as to what I need to do to set it up (steps involved) and recommendations for what kinds of fish would be suitable and how many, and the same for inverts. I do have a 25w heater, carib sea sand (not live sand), and salt to mix up. Please help.


Is this your first SW tank? If it is you should know that keeping small/nano tanks is fairly challenging for a beginner, water perameters have to be watched VERY closely because even a small problem can wipe out the tank. If it is your first try don't buy anything more for it yet!!!! Get yourself a good saltwater aquarium book and read it from cover to cover and read a bunch of threads on this forum before you do anything, SW tanks take time- you will have to cycle your tank first, decide what lighting you want, etc. etc... keep us posted and good luck!


Active Member
small gobies would be perfect for your tank. But let it cycle and do its thing and then add some fish

the j.o.p.

i keep a 15,3 and 1 gal. tanks. i test prob. once a week because as stated above there isn't much room for error.
you can keep any shrimp, and like a goby. but give the tank time to cycle!!!


What steps should I follow to set up my tank? How deep should I make the sand bed? How much rock should I use and should I just regular rock instead of live rock until my tank cycles?