Please Help with my Purple Tang


I just purchased a purple tang 2 days ago. I looked this morning and my tang has ICK. I was wondering is there some type of medication that I can purchase to take care of the ICK? I only have Inverts, live rock, and fish in the tank.
Thanks for the help.


Staff member
The reef medications are not that effective, so, to answer your question, there is no easy fix. The best procedure for treatment is hyposalinity. And, of course, you can perform hyposalinity in a tank with LR.
Take a look at the procedure in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


I was told to use Garlic from my LFS in with the Food and dip the seaweed in the Garlic also!! My only problem is this, What if the tang does not eat food. He did eat last night a bit. :help:


Staff member
Garlic is a good preventative, but I would not count on it curing an outbreak. Did you read the info in the FAQ thread? The garlic does need to be fresh, not bottled.


Originally Posted by SOU812
invest in a
cleaner wrasse
just be sure that you get one that will eat other things beside parasites. Otherwise they will quickly die.


Staff member
Invest in a cleaner wrasse

No, invest in a quarantine tank
. This is the only viable alternative.


Originally Posted by Beth
No, invest in a quarantine tank
. This is the only viable alternative.

let me ask u a ? if u have done the quarantine time and 2 to 3 weeks later the fish gets something what do u do then??? a cleaner wrasse is a valuable assest to ant tank. Mine never stops doing his job


Active Member
IDK why, I've just seen this argument on here before. Most people seem to say cleaner wrasses are better left in the ocean, that they starve to death in tanks.If a wrasse works for you, great. I just won't buy one b/c of the negative things I've read on here.


that sounds legit but someone else is just going to buy them and have success why not pass on what works for me so some one else can experiance a coplete eco system


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOU812
that sounds legit but someone else is just going to buy them and have success why not pass on what works for me so some one else can experiance a coplete eco system


Staff member
What exactly is a cleaner going to parasite. What about all the other possible diseases that fish can get? There is no "easy" solution to keeping healthy fish and a healthy tank. You have got to set up a little space in your house of a quarantine.
If a fish gets sick after a couple of wk, then treat it. That is why you keep fish in QTs for AT LEAST 3 wks [if you are an exp hobbyist] and longer [if you are not experienced].


What happens when u bring in a peice of rock or a crab or snail that is carrying something that is BAD what then catch the fish? Ha HA thats not gonna happen. That why a cleaner is so vital to a healthy set up


Active Member
Cleaner wrasses in general do poor in a closed marine system due to a lack of food source. Many will not accept foods and eventually die from starvation/poor health. I'd be concerned if I needed a cleaner wrasse or cleanner wasses as this is an indication that I would have a disease issue waiting to explode and no cleaner wrasse will be able to eat fast enough once the bomb goes off.
The role of these animals is of more importance in the ocean as opposed to a closed marine system.
As suggested, best to try hypo in an isolated QT tank. None of the other so-called reef safe meds work. NONE.
Garlic may help to an extent but no real documented science to support this.


so what everyone oppinion here is that if the fish was not "farm raised" we should not have them in our tanks. In other words all the fish that all u people that are apposed to having a cleaner wrasse have farm raised fish nothing cought in the ocean. Because all the fish in the ocean serve a purpose also not just to be YOUR pets.