Please help!


I finally got my tank looking like I wanted & ALL my fish are dying! I lost my yellow tang & bicolor angel already. They quit eating, got red patches & were breathing really fast. I started Marycin in the tank yesterday but my heart broke when I looked in to see every single fish laying around, breathing fast. What can I do?


i know they say not to but all my fish were coming up sick; so i wanted to treat them all & i have no interest in keeping any invertebraes or anything that can be affected by the meds. i just want to know if there's anything else i can do now.


the tang that died had yellow streaks & wouldn't eat. then, the angel got red around its fins, wouldn't eat & was laying around, breathing really fast. now, all the fish are laying around, breathing fast. i started the marycin (i think that's how it's spelled) yesterday but i don't know how long it takes.


Active Member
What type and how many fish are in your tank? Were any recently added? Were they quarantined? If not, a new addition could have brought a problem in with it (all fish in the stores are not healthy, even if the guy says so). From what I've read it sounds like some sort of fungal infection, or possibly something foreign (air freshener, windex, etc) may have gotten in your tank by accident. If your bioload is too high they could be stressed out. A yellow tang alone, gets too big for a 55. If its a fungal infection, you need to quarantine them, in a separate tank (some medicines have copper that will kill your inverts) and treat outside of your main tank (copper in the medicine will get in your rock,sand,etc) and stay there. You could also be getting a bad mineral( copper, phosphates,which feeds unwanted algae hair,cyano) if you are using tap water. I only use RO/DI.


yes, i did add new fish that must have brought in something with them. i, actually, have fewer fish now though b/c i got rid of some of the old ones. if it is a fungal infection, will that maracyn-2 help? (love the pic, by the way!)