please help

kyle carpenter

New Member
i saw that only 6 people looked at my last post and on every thing else i have had good results but the last post was horible. my question on the last one wich i am re asking you now hoping for answer in return (please if you read this respond PLEEEEASE) how do you keep cc realy clean is there a fish or invert. that will help with the cleaning of it or is it all up to me and my gravel vac?


The only thing I've been able to do is vac. So this weekend CC comes out and LS goes in.

david s

i did a seach for u and came up with nada for critters to help with cc looks like sand or vacume i may be wrong tho considerin i am fairly new if i am guys plz correct me


It depends on what's in your tank. I have cc in my aggressive tank and can't put any snails, crabs, ect... in there cause they would be lunch. So I just vacuum thoroughly. And I will be switching to LS this fall!!!


sorry kyle, I just responded to your last, but only to reference a post just below yours titled undergravel filters. Helpful info there. Sometimes it just takes awhile for a response.


I hope no one yells at me, but I'm just passing on "good 'ol 'reliable' lfs advice" he told me when I had cc to every once in awhile take it out soak it in water w/about 10% bleach and then rinse about 1,000,000 times (or an excessive amount at least :) ) to make sure it is ABSOLUTELY BLEACH-FREE..I personally found it not worth the effort and that cc can help to raise your nitrates&/or nitrates..once, again this is only what I've been told,not experienced..good luck.

sinner's girl

we have cc with our ugf and have not had any problems. what's in the tank is listed below. since the levels were at zero sinner skipped the last water change. (level are normaly at zero unles something died or was killed...)
hermits, stars and shrimp will clean it.
people seem to rather ls, i don't know. all the tanks sinner has had have had cc with a ugf....