please help


Active Member
Click on Manage Attachments when replying and upload your pictures.
They have to be 500x500 pixels or smaller to upload them, so you need a resizer.
I use JPEG resizer from here:
It's free (I think) and it lets you resize based on the largest dimension of the picture making it pretty simple.



Active Member
Yep, sounds good to me.
SCSI, how do you take pictures of what is on your monitor? I did it by accident once, and now I can't figure out how I did it.


Active Member
Yeah, you can also use ALT-PrintScreen and get a screen shot of just the selected/highlighted/active window as well.
Then just go into paint and hit CTRL-V to paste the image in, save as a JPG and you're all set.


I f you want to save the picture, use the right button on your mouse and hit "Save Picture As". Make sure your over the picture you want.