please help


i am going to get a new tank, but i am going to put everything in the old tank, into the new one. what is the process of of trancefering the tanks??


a 24 gallon going into a 24 gallon
there is somthing wrong with the one i have, so i am going to get a new one
a aqua pod into a bio cube.


the reason why i am doing this is because i am going on vacation this friday and the cooling fan is not working for my lights, and my lfs does not sell this lid/tank and more. my dad said that if the fan does not work then the light will not be on when we are gone
, so i have to get a tank set up before this friday,

aztec reef

Active Member
what's your substrate? about how many inches high?
The substrate is what you got to be carefull on moving. Can you list all your Livestock???

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
the reason why i am doing this is because i am going on vacation this friday and the cooling fan is not working for my lights, and my lfs does not sell this lid/tank and more. my dad said that if the fan does not work then the light will not be on when we are gone
, so i have to get a tank set up before this friday,
If your going on Vacation i wouldn't recomend on doing the change. Can you maybe get a different type of lighting instead of changing the whole set up?
It's kind of a complicated and tacticall process to do a change and the llighting doesn't seem like a good reason to do it IMO.


its not the lighting, it is the fans that cool the lighting, i have about one inch of sand all around my tank, 24 pounds of live rock one clown fish, one cleaner shrimp a golden headed sleeper goby, one cc star, one mushroom
one star poylps, and hermit crabs and nassurius snails and some tubos.


please, my parents are at the point where they said that if you do not find a way to cool the light or exchange the tank, you will have to sell everything


Active Member
Get a clip on fan, they work really well, better then the ones on the lights. You can put it on the timer your lights are on.

aztec reef

Active Member
do you have the one with The 70w or 150w HQI fixture?
either way, your best bet would be clip-on fans untill you can afford a new lighting system..
If you decide to do the change ,it will send all levels out of wack (especially ammonia) and possibly kill everything in your tank...


This might be kind of cold hearted but the easiest thing is probably to leave the light off in the tank and just go away. The only thing in your tank that would get hurt is the coral but everything else in your tank would be okay.


but cant the corals let out toxins,, you have the same idea my dad has, but wont it stress out the fish. i am also going to be gone for a week, a little long to keep the lights off


Active Member
try a clip on fan...otherwise you can do a switch by transferring EVERYTHING to the new tank. i mean the entire filtration system, water, ls, lr that way all your using that is new is the tank itself. people break down their tanks and move to a new house and set it up with no problems all the time, that shouldnt be any different.